Editorial Policy and Process

The editorial team of Toddler Junction reviews the articles to make sure that the information provided in the articles are reliable for the readers as well as from well-trusted sources and professionals.

We adhere to certain principles and core values to serve the desired purpose.


We have a firm editorial policy of not including any data that is not backed up by authentic sources. The editorial team manages all of the content. Data is curated only from authentic, medical sources, and professionals.


Our writers have unique voices in their respective disciplines, from authors to professionals and other parenting experts. These individuals have the ability to transform complex subject matter into clear, helpful, and practical manner.


The Review Board of Toddler Junction comprises leading experts in the field of parenting and pregnancy. They work towards providing necessary information, aligning to the specific topic. They confirm the piece of information in any form of content and thoroughly check over the facts and guidelines that are sourced from evidence-based research and health information.


At Toddler Junction we make sure that every bit of news and information has good clarity, maintaining the standards for accuracy, thoughtfulness, and trustworthy reporting.


As times change, so does the information. The editor team reviews and updates the content every few months to ensure that all the information is up-to-date, verified, and edited. If you happen to come across facts that haven’t been verified, please let us know.


We deeply care and understand the importance of parenting advice. The content curated with love and compassion. We look forward to interacting with our readers and improving our work. We portray the information with accuracy and compassion that is right for you and your family, without any judgment.We are here to support your family and in your journey of parenthood. Looking forward to growing together with you, we take this responsibility very seriously.We love to hear from you. Do you have any feedback? Feel free to comment and write to us at [email protected]